
Installation steps of hook type shot blasting machine

08 / Nov . 2022

The hook type shot blasting machine shall be disassembled into several parts and transported to the user's site after debugging in the manufacturer. Although there is no pit, the foundation shall be solid, and the anchor bolt holes shall be standardized. The room can only be used for secondary irrigation after conditioning, the nuts of the anchor bolts can be tightened after condensation, and the work of each part of the device can only be done after the room is fixed. Here are the device precautions for related parts.

1. Shot blasting turbine:

Check whether the orientation of plate fixation is accurate and firm, and check whether the rotation direction is correct by power on inching. Then adjust the orientation of the opening of the directional sleeve. Theoretically, the included angle between the front edge of the directional opening and the front edge of the blade throw out orientation is about 90. After fixing the orientation of the directional sleeve, you can detect the orientation of the shot blasting belt. The method is to put a steel plate or board at the outlet of the hook type shot blasting machine above the orientation of the hanging workpiece, start the shot blasting machine, put a small amount of (2-5kg) shot into the shot feed pipe, and then stop the shot blasting machine, Check whether the impacted position on the steel plate is suitable for the demand, such as closing the window of the upper adjustable directional sleeve downward, or vice versa, until it stops properly, and record the orientation of the directional sleeve mouth as the basis for changing the directional sleeve in the future.

2. Elevators and augers:

First, carry out the no-load test of the hook type shot blasting machine to check whether the working direction of the lifting bucket and the spiral blade is correct, then tighten the belt of the lifting machine to a moderate degree to prevent deviation, and then carry out the load test to check the working condition and delivery capacity of the hook type shot blasting machine, whether there is strange noise and vibration, and check and remove obstacles.

3. Shot separator:

First, check whether the ram of the hook type shot blasting machine moves flexibly, and then check that the orientation of the splitting plate is appropriate. Then, when the load is adjusted to improve the machine, there is constant steel shot inflow, and when the material chute is lowered, check whether the steel shot flows out and falls in a flow curtain.
